Hard Money Loans With No Money Down

In case you want to fund a repair, investment costs and down payment, a hard money type of loan is the best financial option. Finding Hard money lenders with no money down is a challenge for most of us but they are there.  The best thing about investing in real...

Hard Money Loans for Primary Residence

Residential loans are the type of loans that are made to individuals that are refinancing or acquiring a new residential property and may need Hard money loans for primary residence. One may also intend to take up the property as a secondary or primary...

Hard Money Loan Interest Rate

These types of loans are used by investors and real estate owners to perform transactions. Hard money loans are offered by individuals and private companies. However, this article is targeted at hard money loan interest rates. This loan type is backed by a tangible...

Hard Money Loan for Rental Property

Hard money loans are loan types offered by private lenders i.e. private companies and individuals to real estate investors. These are short time loans offered to investors whenever they want to secure a certain deal that’s maybe going to expire within a certain...

How to Refinance a Hard Money Loan

Hard money loan lenders are mom-traditional money lenders who are considered much like pawnbrokers or private lenders in modern society. Wondering how to refinance a hard money loan? This article got you covered.  Hard loans pop in to save an investor whenever...