Do Hard Money Lenders Require Down Payment?

Hard money loans are a type of financing typically used to provide funds for real estate investors when they cannot acquire any loans from traditional lenders due to a poor credit score or failing to meet the set terms and conditions. Do hard money lenders require...

Hard Money Loan Requirements

To acquire a hard loan, there are some requirements that you should obtain first that we will discuss here. The property flips situated in America have a very substantial volume. In the year 2016, three hundred thousand and more flips, and the fix was experienced,...

Non QM Mortgage Lenders

As the Coronavirus hit the ground, one thing that surely almost came to the most sudden halt was the QM mortgage scheme. Many non- QM lenders took advantage of the situation and the terms became even tougher. The one thing that we are still not sure of, who are the...

Hard Money Loans for Bad Credit

Credit is like a sword that is double-edged. You need to ensure that you have paid your bills and your down loans in order to improve and make your credit rating strong. To get loans that are easily affordable, your credit rating must be good but you can still acquire...